Regarding PoE 2 and accessibility for disabled people


First of all I'd like to thank and congratulate the staff for the event, following it on stream was a blast and while I get why not everyone is happy with the announcements, there was no bullshit talk, lots of honest answers like Jonathan during the second Q&A just answering "I don't know" to stuff is a good thing in my opinion. More transparency is always a good thing.

Anyways, great job, I for one am really looking forward to playing path of exile 2 but there were a couple of questions to the staff that did not seem to really be understood and that was regarding accessibility and disabled people.

So people asked about wrist strain, I saw someone on reddit talk about Repetitive Strain Injuries and I was a bit concerned that people on the Q&A didn't seem to know their game (path of exile 1) is really tedious to play for a lot of people.

Having to click hundreds, if not thousands of time to 6 link stuff will be gone and that's good, but is there any real plan to ease some actions and have real accessibility options ?

I work with game studios for a living and I know that's something pretty hard to implement if the decisions are made late in the production cycle. I understand why the first PoE being a passion project did not have any such option, however this new game is your chance to close the technical gap and while I'm sure a lot of changes will make stuff less tedious for us, I do hope you will not forget a lot of people may have a hard time simply playing the game.

Having a sort button on the inventory, a send all to stash button, stuff like that are really basic ideas and may end up being well received by valid people as well.

I know folks must be tired from the long weekend and may not read this but I hope other players will bump this topic as I believe it's not something to ignore.

thank you for reading
Last bumped on Sep 3, 2024, 2:45:36 AM
As a disabled gamer, i sincerely appreciate your efforts to engage with developers on the matter of accessibility. That said, its beyond heartbreaking to see that the perspective is so myopic as to be limited to that of repetitive strain injuries - or that this thread has received zero replies.
+1 for accessibility. The more people can play the game, the better. And for us valid people it would still be a nice QoL, since click-spamming is the norm
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
+1! I'd love to see more done that facilitates people with disabilities to play.
Too much Qol and you make the game boring and depthless like LE and D4.
PoE is one of the only games I can still play, although I can really only do single button/skill builds. PoE is pretty great for Accessibility but I agree with many of your QoL suggestions like a sort button, a send to stash button. I am disabled and I can't click with my fingers, so I click a second mouse with my feet, so thankfully that helps a ton.
As a visually impaired gamer i would be Very very happy if they made the game work out for us as well. POE 1 is great imo but im a bit worried now that you get 1 shot from every boss. I really hope you add some stuff to make the mechanics more visible for us with these issues. Kind regards

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