If you're new to Path of Exile, you may have a lot of questions about the game's mechanics. In today's post, we've gathered up our game mechanics Q&A answer posts that will help both new and old players understand some of the mechanical intricacies!

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Grinding Gear Games
oh boy theyre about to change something big again
scyleri wrote:
oh boy theyre about to change something big again
I love that there's a post from 2016 in here!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
I remember these!
AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
MSI RX 2080
Samsung 980 Pro SSD
32GB GSkill Trident-Z
Thanks GGG!
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
I hope poe2 mechanics still let you do a 0 button build
What means "Area is Alluring"?
Eep wrote:
I remember these!

So do I ... happy days, when you were delighted to drop a Drillneck.
Looking for a mature guild to play with?
Courtesy, Integrity, Fair Play.

I understand this is a role playing game, but I don't think the best role to play should be shopkeeper. - AlteraxPoe
I'm getting anxiety irl and this is not a joke or a meme, this is my favorite game and i finally stopped playing league of legends (toxic trash game) but if they going to rework the gameplay like in lost ark or diablo 4 and they make slow and boring the endgame i don't know what i going to do, but i'm really scared. I want to play zoom zoom in POE2 please community manager or someone, tell us whats gonna happen, i'm losing my mind until july 29
Nerié wrote:
I'm getting anxiety irl and this is not a joke or a meme, this is my favorite game and i finally stopped playing league of legends (toxic trash game) but if they going to rework the gameplay like in lost ark or diablo 4 and they make slow and boring the endgame i don't know what i going to do, but i'm really scared. I want to play zoom zoom in POE2 please community manager or someone, tell us whats gonna happen, i'm losing my mind until july 29

Well they pretty much said sometimes ago poe 2 is leaning toward a slower gameplay and not too zooming like it was in poe 1 where just 1 button you pretty much kill the whole monsters packs on the whole screen.But we don't know yet how slow it's gonna be,let's just COPIUM together

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