Looking for guild

Mature player looking for casual guild to join.
Last bumped on Apr 15, 2023, 12:56:16 AM
Older player looking for guild to chill in with no drama. Self sufficient.
You are welcome to check out BDS. US/EU players, no teenagers, no drama. Hop in Discord if you would like and hang for awhile. If you like it/us talk with me/Rocco.


If not that's cool too. Good luck.
Thanks for the replies here and in DM's, I appreciate your taking the time to reply. Sorry I've been off for a few days, real life decided to Nerf me playing time. I guess to help clarify, I am looking for a Guild and I tend to play during the hours of Wednesday - Saturday 12am EST to 4am EST. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday anytime (days off). I play on the Canada servers, and I play Softcore trade, cause I suck and would never get out of Act 1 in hardcore. I rarely use Discord, so, guilds that require Discord for communication, I would not be a fit for you. I am laid back and am a YouTube Alt-o-holic who wants to play the next shiny build, even before the last one is done; LOL. One of those people who enjoy the extended league cause maybe I will finally pick a build and do the end game.... I also play other games. This is not my end all be all game, I really don't have one of those. Any tribe who requires constant activity, even though I do play a lot, I may not be a fit for you, I can disappear for weeks at a time, if I get my nose stuck into another game.

Thanks to anyone who has taken the time out to read this.
new league, took a couple days off and back looking.
older player looking for guild, thanks for reading

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