Imperial | All Playstyles | Discord | 80+ active members | Friendly, welcoming community

Everyone Welcome!
Open to everyone and anyone no matter the playstyle or type with an active Discord Server.

We are a growing community looking for more active members to join us.

What type of members are we after?
● Active members who participate with the guild.
● People who are willing to help out other players who need it.
● Friendly players who will make the guild feel more inviting
● People that are Active on discord (not mandatory)
● People with a good sense of humour

Guild Activities?
● Helping people achieve their challenges.
● In-house map trades/swapping.
● EXP Runs.
● Boss killing.
● Mapping
● Discord calls for fun and memes

● Keeping the guild stash fair, don't loot everything and sell. We will be checking
● Be respectful, we endorse "toxic" behaviour but only if it's fun and in good sport / banter.

How to apply?

Message me on discord @ Aarone#8558 or in game @ PeepoRunThroughActs
Last edited by Aaronat0r on Jan 12, 2023, 10:30:35 AM
Last bumped on Jan 12, 2023, 10:09:38 AM

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