What is this Guild ?
The Wetlands is a new public Guild with chill members to talk and hangout with. We used to be a private Guild only accessable to veteran players for league start scenarios only. But now we are PUBLIC and want to recruit players of all sorts. Newer Players may seek Guidance to have more fun with the game aswell as veteran players, who seek to have services offered to them for a discount if you provide services on your own (Boss Carries etc.)

What are the perks in TWL ?
- Boss Carries and other services if Guild Members provide them
- Easy Clients for your own services
- an active helping community
- Advice from veteran players on any topic (Builds, Currency Strats, flipping,
Groupplay and much more)
- Discord Server with roles to climb up the community ladder.
- If you're looking to Groupplay, you will find players to groupplay with.
- and most importantly a more fun PoE Experience overall.

Requirements for you to be able to join
- As of right now there are no requirements except for you to follow the rules and hopefully be active.

How do I join ?
To join our Guild, you can either
- join our discord server with this link
- leave a comment on this post / message me privately on the forum.
- send me a message on the forum.
Last edited by JulianWeber on Dec 29, 2022, 1:59:45 PM
Last bumped on Dec 29, 2022, 1:57:19 PM

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