<SC> C2W is currently recruiting! (150+ active members, 8 shared guild tabs, discord server)

Hello exiles! Our guild Cheat2win is curently looking to recruit a few more active members! We are a core of 20-30 guys, playing the game together for 4 years or more now, slowly expanding over time to a point where we have more than 150 active players. We accept people from all countrys and religions, the only requirements are to speak english, be active and polite with the other members!

Guild perks
-> Spacious guild stashes and plenty of guild supplies (leveling items, maps and uniques)
-> Guild hideout that hosts up to 32 players in one instance!
-> Leveling, Farming, and Crafting advice from experienced players
-> Various guild activities and lots of voice chat/streaming channels
-> Active discussions about the builds and farming strategies

Guild rules
-> Be friendly and helpful
-> No toxicity and hate speach
-> No guild stash abuse

If you are interested to join us or you have questions shoot me a msg in game - profile name ssddHell or discord Hellscream#7767
Last edited by ssddHell on Dec 22, 2023, 2:15:46 AM
Last bumped on Feb 4, 2023, 2:27:31 AM
C2w is open for new recruits for the incoming Crucible league!
Last edited by ssddHell on Apr 2, 2023, 4:37:48 AM
i like to join after league..

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