[EN] Daeva! Recruiting active players! Veterans and new players welcome! <3


Hello, exile! Fresh, new guild!

I'd like to invite anyone that wants to have a nice, friendly guild to add to the game experience.

It doesn't matter what part of the world you are from, just that you speak English and love this game at least 10% of what I do.

I won't try to sell this to you, if you want to help build this guild together, you're more than welcome! <3

Discord channel in the guild welcome message!

Any questions/etc, feel free to post them here!

For invites dm: nopantaloni

Last edited by apanvin94 on Dec 27, 2022, 7:03:25 AM
Last bumped on Dec 27, 2022, 7:03:46 AM
Let's start the new league well <3
How do I join??
sorry i been away till league started. everyone pm me if u want in <3
new league is pretty fun.
bumpy bump

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