Looking for a guild on Standard


I'm looking for an active guild with a mature community. I'm not looking for free stuff, but some advice would be appreciated. I've never been in a guild here but willing to give it a go.
Timezone: GMT+2
Current build: Boneshatter slayer, inspired by cArn
Language: English
Playtime: ~30 hours a week
Age: 33
IGN: Awertorn

I aim to do all the endgame bosses on my current character and then try something else when the new league starts. I will probably play the new expansion.
I've mostly played Standard but have tried a few races and events (with miserable results :D ). Overall, I'm a casual player. I use TFT, PoB, Exilence, CoE, wiki, Youtube tutorials, etc. but I guess most players do :)

Have a nice day!
Last edited by Curonia on Nov 23, 2022, 10:37:50 AM
Last bumped on Nov 23, 2022, 10:34:36 AM

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