in queue

Hey GGG,

too many times i saw 5 players in queue (including me) so only one player was left to start the fight. Then suddenly people leave the queue. I think they left because they cant see how many people are in queue. otherwise why should they left when only one more player is needed?

can you fix this please.

insane in the membrane
Last edited by Dudldude on Apr 14, 2013, 4:43:43 PM
Dudldude wrote:
Hey GGG,

too many times i saw 5 players in queue (including me) so only one player was left to start the fight. Then suddenly people leave the queue. I think they left because they cant see how many people are in queue. otherwise why should they left when only one more player is needed?

can you fix this please.


Its because they dont refresh the list... if you are watching a certain amount without refreshing the list it can be a completely different amount of players than you are actually seeing. (Some people know this and others dont.)

Like if they joined as player 1 and dont refresh... it will show player 1 untill it starts... or untill nothing happens. Thats why I look like a dumbass when running back and forth at greust to refresh the list.
I find myself constantly refreshing the queue when I'm waiting for 3v3. It's annoying to have to do however.
IGN: _Firebitch
They will probably fix this in future patchs
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
I still think the gateways are problematic. Sometimes when me and my friends are in different towns and in the same gateway we cant queue up against eachother. I had a post about this that I retracted because I thought it was fixed but apparently it is still bugged once in awhile.
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