Da fellowship - Team All In Stashes Glore: Noob Friendly: Vets Needed: Love for the Game

Hello, Exiles,

This is Your Friendly Exile Gangsta Djello,
I’m opening up heaven’s gateways with recruiting in our guild.

The Squad Is Looking for More active and Faithful members. Events like portals for Divines are coming up. Website soon. Guild stashes. Noob Friendly. Vets are wanted. USA and EU Voice chat only. HMU if you would like to join.

Events Good Vibes Good Times. USA MAINLY and a splash of the world Music Events where we do Divines for Portals. Name contests and other little fun events we do throughout the league to keep it fresh. https://discord.gg/MVbSQwZ or add me Dontbejello#5606.
Last edited by Dontbejello on Aug 28, 2022, 5:29:09 PM
Last bumped on Sep 2, 2022, 4:34:59 PM
Bunch of Chill People willing to help and just hang out. One of the more relaxed Guilds that I've seen and to top it off..., there's NO DRAMA!
great guild leader great group of people! always welcoming and always helping out when needed. can vouch they are amazing

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