[Minor] Ralakesh Impatience incorrect wording

The new Ralakesh Impatience implement has the following wording:

Lose All Frenzy, Endurance, and Power Charges when you move

But currently its behavior is as follow:
- When you are idle and start walking, charges are lost
- If you are already moving, you can stack charges as long as you don't stop and start moving again
- Teleporting, which is moving from a stationary position to another stationary position, does not cause charge loss

I'd argue these points mean the wording is incorrect. It sounds minor, but been playing a Charged Dash Chieftain and that means the "endurance charge lost in past 8 seconds" 15% More Damage won't trigger on its own from dashing, for example.

I'd suggest the wording to be changed to "when you start moving" instead, to bring it in line with its behavior on 2nd point, and closer to 3rd one.
Last bumped on Aug 27, 2022, 2:19:57 AM
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