Exiled Aussies - Guild tag: <MÂTE> Recruitment for 3.19 - Optional 3.19 Guild event private league

Welcome exiles!

We are a group of seasoned veterans that got together to create a tight-knit Aussie guild.

Though our name is Aussie we're not looking for Aussies only but if you're Aussie, we will be online at the same time!

We're all 25+ (mostly 30+) gamers with an active discord community playing POE and other games in the "off-season"

We are hosting a private league for the Lake of Kalandra 3.19 league start.

This will be a new twist on a league start where we will work together to spread players over different builds and different farming strategies.

It's basically Guild SSF. No trades, if someone finds gear u need, it's yours!

If this sounds like something you're interested in feel free to inbox on discord: Saint#9132

If you're interested in joining the guild without joining the private league that's okay! About half of us are still playing the regular softcore league.

Our players:
Interested? Cool, before inboxing me, this is what we expect of our members.
● Be active members and participate with the guild.
● We accept everyone, so be accepting of others.
● Be willing to help out other players who need it.
● 18+ members only please.
● Have a sense of humour! We're mainly Aussie so we take the piss, so maybe look elsewhere if you're easily offended
● Discord activity is mandatory - it helps people get to know each other and builds more of a community than just in game guild chat.

Typical Guild stuff
● Helping people achieve their challenges
● Various endgame carries
● Map trading and completion
● Boss killing for completion and loot
● Bench-Crafting and harvest trading
● Assume everything is free unless told otherwise, if you agree on a price, all good.

Guild features:
● Guild hideout
● Full guild tabs with affinities.
● Developed Discord with bot commands, music etc.
● Guild stash log

Expected Culture
● If you request help and get a response, please be ready to receive it.
● Do not charge for crafting for guildies.
● Uber Lab: You provide the fragment, loot goes to runner unless they don't care
● Discord use is mandatory - it helps people get to know each other and builds more of a community than just in game guild chat.

If you've read this far then cheers mate, send me a message if you'd like to join:
discord: Saint#9132
Last edited by STPwnaG3 on Aug 10, 2022, 5:26:29 AM
Last bumped on Sep 16, 2022, 7:02:23 PM

made me delete my posts... sadface

Last edited by Habi2016 on Aug 10, 2022, 5:45:45 AM
Yeah m8! Looking for to new members <3
Last edited by davesfx on Dec 1, 2022, 9:31:37 AM
Hi, sent you a friend request on discord.
I've been playing for years and am looking for a new community to join, your private league sounds interesting too.
This still going? Sent a friend request on discord.
The shit I do for videogames.

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