1) Metal Hitting Metal sounds bad yo. How is that not fixed yet? Dual Strike has no animation style, & sounds like someone wielded a stop sign hitting the sidewalk.
How long does it take to fix just some simple sound fx.
Even if you have a parry effect in a game, it's like a 10% chance to parry & rarely happens. Meanwhile you got skills tryna sound like a metal parry, being bashed every 0.1 secs. Which is unbearable for longer than 1 minute.
I never use Duel Strike, nor any of the skills titled " Blade ".
For literal sound fx reasons. Or Duel Strike just looks boring as well.
2) As for skill that don't sound as bad initially, tho end up sounding pretty bad when you stack attack speed. Well Shield Crush & Double Strike, sound ok initially, unlike the 2 previous mentions which don't sound good ever. So for attack speed lessening of sound volume, not to be confused with the previous mentions which need entire sound design reworks. So yes Shield Crush & Double Strike after gaining attack speed, they sound like this:
Attack Speed Shield Crush & Double Strike sound like 2 trash cans hitting eachother. They are fine sound wise without attack speed. Tho I'm not able to play these 2 skills with added attack speed.
So overall:
Dual Strike & Blade titled skills: Redesign entirely to not sound anything like metal hitting metal or screeching metal flaying out like a blade skill. These 2 skills & other blade skills never sound good, not even for 1 minute. Also Blade skills look meh anyways, all neon green, meh. Probably should just redo the sound & animation of Duel Strike & Blade skills anyways.
Shield Crush & Double Strike: Lessen the volume or make the volume more transparent the more attack speed these 2 skills get. Too noisy with attack speed builds.
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