SSF Sanctuary - The SSF Standard Guild

So I basically don't have nearly as much free time to play as I used to so the grind of beating the campaign, then filling all the atlas, building a character easily through trade only to get bored of it and make something else... sound familiar? Well welcome to the world of standard SSF

Why standard SSF?
Well there hasn't been a better time to jump on to SSSF, all future patches now will have some sort of end game content for us so even if the previous league didn't make it we will have something new to try.
Also it doesn't matter if you only can play a few hours per week each bit of progress is permanent... PERMENANT... Let that sink in, so any delving you do is progress that won't disappear after 3 months, those heist members once leveled to 5 won't ever need leveling again.

Well why SSF over normal standard?
For me personally I wanted that feeling of finding a build enabling unique eg. dead reckoning or when an awakened gem drops rather than thinking about the profit I made think what future build I could use it with. All those i85/i86 base items I have ready to be crafted on aren't going anywhere and can be long term project suited to a slower more casual playstyle. Also I am trying to farm every unique in game because who doesn't want a full collection in SSF

What is the point in a guild then if you are SSF and can't group?
Good point but for me it is the bouncing ideas back and forth off each other or just having a chat and socializing, maybe someone knows how to help you on that ground slam marauder build you are wanting to try, just because it is SSF doesn't mean it has to be any less social

If this sounds like your sort of thing or would like to give it a try I have a guild waiting for you. Not sure how much interest this will generate as I have picked a pretty small niche game mode

JayOsEleBosserSSF is my IGN or PM me on here for an invite
I do have a discord server but just twaaking a few things before I will use it for the guild.

Little about me I am from the UK and 36 years old. See you in game!

TLDR SSF standard is awesome and you should try it
Last bumped on May 23, 2022, 4:08:48 PM

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