Lithuanian Guild/Lietuviskas Guildas

Hello everyone im writing here because im in search of new Lithuanian crew mates to play along with (preferably on discord) i personaly play on hardcore only although there is more then enough people on softcore too to play with. This is mostly casual guild with a few people that can help you on your build or w/e else you could be strugling with, having said that we are a small but active community looking to expand. Guild comes with all guild stash tabs and custom guild hideout.

Sveiki visi norejau pasidometi ar butu susidomejusiu zmoniu kurie noretu prisijungti prie Lietuvisko clano kad galetume zaisti kartu (dauguma musu naudojam discord draugiskiems pokalbiems zaidimo metu) as asmeniskai zaidziu ant hardcore sunkumo bet clane yra nemaza dalis zmoniu kurie zaidzia ant softcore todel manau rasti kolega su kuo pazaisti nebus sudetinga, dauguma musu zaidziam poe del savo malonumo nestresuodami ir niekur neskubedami, bet jei yra noras galima ir paspeedrunint. Pats guild jau turi pilna guild stash tab visose lygose kuriuo galesite naudotis ir asmenine clano sleptuve.

If this intrest you feel free to contact me about it ether through here or on discord "GFreenD#3723"
Jei sudomino visa tai ka pasakiau parasyk zinute cia arba i discorda "GFreenD#3723"
Last bumped on May 12, 2022, 7:52:10 AM

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