Atlas Skill Tree

One of the "Incursion Upgrade Chance" node is same as "Resource Reallocation" big-node.
Last edited by eWojciech on Mar 15, 2022, 11:20:09 PM
Last bumped on Mar 16, 2022, 8:01:41 AM
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eWojciech wrote:
One of the "Incursion Upgrade Chance" node is same as "Resource Reallocation" big-node.

Thanks for your report, we'll look into this.
It's the same 50% chance we had before, but split in two nodes.
Doesn't seem like a bug.

Most of the small nodes in that wheel are "Incursion Pack Size", but that small node just before "Resource Reallocation" is "Incursion Upgrade Chance". It provides the a bonus to the same chance at a lesser effect, so that the two combined total 50% upgrade chance.

This sort of pattern is also present in another Incursion wheel, though I don't see it in other parts of the atlas tree. "Artefacts of the Vaal" (60% chance) and the two "Incursion Rare Chance" notables before it (20% chance each) total to "Incursion Architects in Areas have a 100% chance to drop an additional Rare Incursion Item".
Just getting back to mention that this is intended, the minor is 10% whereas the notable is 40%.
eWojciech wrote:
One of the "Incursion Upgrade Chance" node is same as "Resource Reallocation" big-node.

It is not the same

the small node is 10% and the big node (notable) is 40%

It is like this since 3.17 announcment
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It's the same 50% chance we had before, but split in two nodes.

Thanks for telling me that since the overhaul there is some "skill point tax"
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neohongkong wrote:
It's the same 50% chance we had before, but split in two nodes.

Thanks for telling me that since the overhaul there is some "skill point tax"

There's always "skill point tax". That tax is cheaper now than it was before. Before, you had 8+12 skill points per map, and could get a mere 4 +6 notables. Now you can get about 20 notables to apply to a given map, but their power has not gone down by any significant amount. In fact, to some degree, power has gone up, as some notables that couldn't be combined previously can be combined now, for the same league-mechanics, or synergistic ones. Yeah, you're "taxed", but that's exactly how the skill tree works and has worked on the character-tree since forever ago.

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