<Tribe> Looking for more mature players. New players are welcomed!

Looking for more active player to join in! Very noob friendly and can give advice if needed. We all get along great and we plan on keeping it that way. We do have a discord if you would like to join.

Most of our guild is solo players tho! Just a warning.

You can contact me in the fourm post or message me for a invite. It may take a couple days before invite is sent.
Last edited by Thelilacecat on Aug 20, 2022, 6:43:15 AM
Last bumped on Jun 28, 2022, 9:12:09 PM
Hello! I would love to join your guild! Newish player here :)
This sounds intruiging. me and a friend are looking for a guild where it's not mandatory to be SUPER active or being on discord all the time is mandatory. just a guild with a couple of members where we could play together every now and then and helping out each other when necessary. it also would be nice of someone is there for trading who has a good understanding of PoEs economy one could ask for a price check or just put "maybe valuable" items into the guildstash for guild wealth if anyone needs an exalted here and there.

is that how it works here ?

i have almost 1700 hours in PoE so i am not new but i'm sure there are things i still have no idea of.
I'm Curtis friend who he mentioned and I'm also looking for a guild for the same reasons. I have lots of hours but I "know nothing" so to say, I've only recently started to try and actually learn more stuff about the game instead of mindlessly following builds and killing mobs.

I'd love to join if you would have me. :)
hey can i join ?
hello may i join ?
difforz wrote:
I'm Curtis friend who he mentioned and I'm also looking for a guild for the same reasons. I have lots of hours but I "know nothing" so to say, I've only recently started to try and actually learn more stuff about the game instead of mindlessly following builds and killing mobs.

I'd love to join if you would have me. :)

I'm still wanting to join. :)
Hello! I'm coming back to path of exile on this league and I definitely enjoy it again even if sometime I'm lost with all the new crafting options and mods.

I'd like to join a friendly guild to share good time on discord about our journey in Path of exile :)! And maybe run some maps together when not being in SSF ;) !
Hi can i ask what is the time zone?
I would love to join.

im a newbie-ish player hopeing to learn more about path of exile.

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