Sound Effect Bug, Can hear sound effects when set at zero volume.

I currently have my sound effects at the following settings;

Channel Count; Medium

Master Volume; Maximum
Sound Effects Volume; Minimum
Music Volume; Minimum
Ambient Sound Volume; Minimum
Dialogue Volume; Minimum
Item Filter Alert Volume; Around 60%
Chat Alerts Volume; Minimum

I presume that the minimum value is 0%, when i say minimum I just mean that the slider is all the way to the left.

But I can still hear mob sound effects.... For a single mob, and for a single ability of that mob.

The Sand Leaper mob, a small crab/spider thing that appears commonly in the Tropical Island Map, as well as the Sarn Ramparts (act 8) will not be silenced.
I can hear ONLY this mob, and ONLY it's jump sound effect.

When I disable the Item Filter Alert Volume setting I can still hear this sound.
When I disable the master volume setting I cannot hear this sound.

Very strange bug. I wish I could disable it.
Last bumped on Jan 25, 2022, 10:41:38 AM
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Same. The only sound I play with are filter alerts. Now I hear random noises like denotating explosives and random monster noises.

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