Redo the SFX for Dual Strike. & GPX for it too. Plus other skill mentions.

I just made a dual sword crit build. Yet I can't handle getting past 10 seconds using Dual Strike. It sounds like someone grabbed a street stop sign, & started bashing it on the sidewalk pavement. The sound of someone who is constantly parrying every 1 sec?

Dual Strike sound effect, is worst, than when I tried to make a Shield Crush attack speed build. (Tho shield crush is okay to listen to without tons of attack speed, however dual strike is not okay to listen to even for 10 seconds with any build). Also its literally the only skill with no animation. Someone really ignored the heck out of this skill, when making it, it swings like the boring version of Viper Strike. They need to re-work dual, to swing differently than viper does. Or else at least have a different visual, maybe glow, effect to it.

While I'm glad theirs skills without huge flashy stuff flying everywhere, still to have a skill with zero effect what-so-ever, is so lackluster. Even if it didn't sound bad. I've barely used this skill for 20 seconds, before writing this post, I couldn't imagine hearing clanking for hours of quest acts or end-game. Turning the sound down, doesn't help either. They should take note, we are hearing these animations hundreds or thousands of times. Double strike isn't super pleasant to listen to either, tho It's still fine. Dual Strike however is tinfoil.


If I were them I'd do a full re-work on the Dual Strike SFX, give it some type of unique animation or glow or movement-arm-swing (that's diff from Viper Strike). Then temper off low; or lessen the volume on Shield Crush + Double Strike as well. Lastly, Dual Strike needs a 60% better skill visual animation (doesn't have to be flashy, but has to be better than what it is now, which is nothing).

Then Double Strike also needs a 20% better graphic visual update too (or extra support gem for it, graphic wise.. prob why you dont see many double strike builds, overly basic). Shield Crush is fine visually speaking, however shield crush should have less sound volume, the more attack speed you get.

Viper Strike = makes sense for the attack motion, because the name, viper fangs swinging downward.

Dual Strike = same thing, less impressive name for the motion, no green visual flare, & bothersome sfx.

Because I literally won't build attack speed shield crush again. It's just too much crashing. Sure 100 times is fine, but 1,000 times of hearing super fast crashing via headphones? No thanks, new alt, done. It's a fun skill to see go fast, but not worth the noise imo. Double strike, similar with the noisy paper slashes. We just need smoother SFX sounds, most skills are fine with that, just not these few skills I'm mentioning.

P.s. To GGG, Dual Strike you're showcasing to your new players. It's overly too plain & sounds like metal clanking. Then re-review the other gems, that may have harsh sounds to hear repetitively. As for Dual Strike, dropping the volume on it won't help, the sfx itself sounds bad, & I know it, I'm a musician artist. Not even sword-fighters parry that much, they'd break their sword. Not that the skill is suppose to be a parry, it just sounds like a bad audio file of one.

Long story short: Metal hitting metal, is bad taste, to repeat.

All of these skills mentioned; having bad sfx or lackluster gpx, are underplayed for a reason. Perhaps this is one the reasons, for those people.

I'd also add that the Blade Blast type skills, that also sound like metal get my down vote at least, for rework sfx. I get they wanted it to sound like the name, blades, tho its still a bad option of sound, to hear a ton of.

That goes for sfx. As for gpx (graphic visual appeal); I'd suggest that " Lacerate " needs work. The crimson cranberry style, is so mehhh, get rid of that color. Replace Lacerate with a whole new design. However turning melee so easily into range is kinda a basic or lame way to go for a skill, It should have more utility aspect to it. Via invent new ailments.

Next for visual editing patches, for skill-animantions, is "Perforate". While blood is a unique theme, the visual effect of it is a kinda odd. I'd say too niche. Not even for Halloween would I want to use Perforate. It's not just because of blood either, it's how the blood looks. Like if it was blood like I was some life-stealing monk-type of blood then sure. Tho it's some weird cranberry shiny colored blood. The only good visual aspect of Perforate, is the ghosts that fly off the top of it after a kill. However the blood animation needs rounding out, to appeal to more types of people.

Lastly, Wand attacks, old or new gems, need to be less about freaking laser beams man. I'm not even a fan of the laser beam skills like kinetic bolt, power siphon ect. Barrage with wand ect. The only 1 that's decent looking is Kinetic blast. Anyhow you don't see Harry Potter only shooting laser beams. Wands need a whole new development vision. Arcane symbols, harry potter attacks, nature wand attacks. Wooden tree vine spells. Anything besides laser beams.
100 people towns with hang out fields. Witcher taverns. Free hair style options. IRO War of Emperium gvg map.
Last edited by RuneLuthien on Nov 1, 2021, 3:45:34 PM
Last bumped on Jan 18, 2022, 4:23:23 AM

Here's a picture representation, of what Dual Strike, Blade Blast, & Blade Flurry sound like.

May be okay to hear once, but not 1,000 times, not even 10 times.
100 people towns with hang out fields. Witcher taverns. Free hair style options. IRO War of Emperium gvg map.
Last edited by RuneLuthien on Nov 13, 2021, 11:56:03 AM
I like it the way it is. ggg's VFX and SFX changes for skills and spells have been consistently horrible over the years, they successfully manage to make everything look/sound clunkier with every change.
HC balance should be separate from SC I don't care which outdated 1993 game dev philosophy this goes against. youtube/


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