Exit to the Epilouge not opening after defeating Kitava

After i defeated Kitava I missclicked and went our of the boss arena. When i came the portal to the epilouge was missing.

When i get back to town it shows me the Kill Kitava quest again, but when i went back into the boss arena Kitava didnt spawn and the quest said to take the portal to the epilouge which again did not spawn.
Last edited by KhazeXD on Aug 8, 2021, 10:56:08 AM
Last bumped on Aug 8, 2021, 12:26:22 PM
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Is there an access to the epilogue through a stationary portal in the town?
seaman wrote:
Is there an access to the epilogue through a stationary portal in the town?

No i cant access the epilouge through waypoints.
Create a new instance of the area (Ctrl+clicking on the waypoint or entrance) and kill Kitava
(or try to restart game)
Last edited by seaman on Aug 8, 2021, 11:54:04 AM
i defeated her in another instance and at first but after restarting after my 2nd try i did get the portal. Thank you very much for the help :)

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