Jun Transport mission does not trigger in Spider Lair map.

Looks like convoy spawned partially inside a pillar or something? Only 2 encounters in map and intervention is already complete, transport does not trigger no matter what I do.

Last bumped on Aug 2, 2021, 6:49:11 PM
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Screenshot your investigation board
Transportation is nowhere near full.

The most likely reason is that another syndicate was active, either intervention members being alive, or by activating a fortification (even if it was yet offscreen)
You cannot have more than 1 syndicate enounters active at any given time.

also you should post your bugreport number in the title, so it can be linked to this post(thats how I think it works)
Don't tell me to quit when I don't like this patch, I already did. More time to spend on the forums

This by far is the best thing I have seen on reddit during this league.
Last edited by Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index on Aug 2, 2021, 6:47:31 PM
The most likely reason is that another syndicate was active, either intervention members being alive, or by activating a fortification (even if it was yet offscreen)

this part of your post is impossible.

1. you can clearly see in his SS that no encounter is active and no members are pending interrogation.

2. you get either transportation or fortification, never both, other 2 are always intervention and research.

what most likely happened here is the transportation encounter was generated to be with elreon, but OP locked him away so the encounter couldn't happen anymore.

I can't see why research didn't spawn, but syndicate stuff is a bit more complicated than other league mechanics so there may be an actual reason it didn't spawn over a bug.

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