Veteran LF coop mature invested Guild

hi im interestred in joining a most coop/party oriented Guild, and I care mainly about the form, structure (rather than content), the organization, the ingroup relationships; I'm tired of playing alone/zombie big guilds, I
want to party play (duos or full parties or 4) at least half of all my invested time in the endgame, per league, and I'm very active this league especially: can play 70 hours a week, although this week im playing more. I'm not into seasonal guilds (by the second half of the second month 20% of players active,
and none for the last 3 weeks; or none active after all got 24 36 40 challenges according to their objectives)I'd fall in the pro category of players, not for ability (many content I never got to
even learn because I wont farm/do it even if I could) but since 2.6 i've been learning a lot basically in theorycrafting, and fossil-harvest-essence crafting for caster and minions. In a word, I
have elite knowledge for minion mechanics and intermediate caster/game systems and novice for the other areas. Small or big, age, sex, time zone, w/e, I believe if the group is as assiduous as myself, good vibes will flourish and friendship and genuine kindness.
Last bumped on Aug 2, 2021, 3:02:09 AM
Join my guild if you're still looking for a guild

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