Subterranean Chart Rendering Issue


This league, and I believe not in initial 3.15 patch, my subterranean chart broke. It loads partially as you can see on the image below.

I'm running a Gtx 750ti, it only has 2GB of vram and is not uncommon to be on 'vram-critical'. If I disable the dynamic resolution, eventually it will render the paths but it will disapear once it loads a new area again, I believe delve chart is too heavy for lower end VGAs and I wouldn't mind a less detailed chart because is not a 5s issue, it takes something around 1 minute and I have to disable something that is very useful.

On a side note, the patch on the end of the last league was great because I could play the game again.

I've marked the tag terrain/area because I believe is the closest, feel free to edit it.
Last bumped on Aug 5, 2021, 2:13:22 PM
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Same here, last league was fine but this league I can barely delve, it feels that i'm playing a blind mode which would be nice for an event but not on the main game like this. I have to hover over each node to figure out my way in.

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