Hexblast is completely invisible since 3.15 release

It seems to be cast and hit but no actual animation is shown, nothing changes when enemy is cursed. So I'm missing the usual purple laser-strike.

Tried to remove all folders with Cache in the name in both program and cache folders. There used to be an option to change cache folder but it is missing?
I am using DirectX 11 on Windows 7 (GPU: RX 570 8gb version; Driver: 20.11.2) and changing to Vulkan did not make a difference. Tried both highest and lowest Graphics options.

Any other tipps? Really want to see the big explosions on my planned starter build..
IGN: Akimiya
Last edited by Akimiya on Jul 24, 2021, 10:24:04 AM
Last bumped on Jul 28, 2021, 1:50:40 AM
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So I now tried playing around with GPU driver versions and the newest 21.5.2 did not change anything for the better either. I will try staying on 21.4.1 for now, where most (other games) seem to work.

Is there anything else to try? How come that exactly Hexblast is missing all textures, given like most other skills (~20) I tried work?

It currently feels as if the gods are telling me to stop with the game as it is specifically my planned starter and I want to play it properly.
IGN: Akimiya
I have the issue myself and have posted in another thread (seems there have been several in the last few days), I would say it seems to be an issue with the game at this point rather than hardware or settings that we can change.

I've searched Twitch for streamers playing with Hexblast and came across a couple where the effect was missing too.
Damn okay, thought it was my old PC starting to loose even more support of the game.

When I was initially writing it I could not find any other posts but there seem to be more now.

Really hope they fix it then, since for me that empty pop feels unplayable, thanks.
IGN: Akimiya

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