Heist, Contract : Trial Run, can't put the contact in the Adiyat's contact slot

I used a role(70 grade) to try the "Hwiar Trial Run" and didn't finish it, the space door disappeared and then I try to open Trial Run again and I can't put the contact into Adiyat's contact slot.

And I try to play another role to 56 grade and Adiyat's contact slot still can't accept the contact and I can't put any other contacts into Adiyat's contact slot, I drop the contact outside and to get the new contact(Trial Run) again, but I still can't put any contact into Adiyat's contact slot. Does anyone suffer this condition? How to solve it?
Last bumped on Jul 9, 2021, 11:37:00 AM
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I used a role(70 grade) to try the "Heist, contract Trial Run" and didn't finish it, the space door disappeared and then I try to open Trial Run again and I can't put the contact into Adiyat's contact slot.

Then I play another role to 56 grade and Adiyat's contact slot still can't accept the contact and I can't put any other contacts into Adiyat's contact slot, I drop the contact outside and to get the new contact(Trial Run) again, but I still can't put any contact into Adiyat's contact slot. Does anyone suffer this condition? How to solve it?
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