Transfer/copy stash tab layout

Is there any way to transfer the stash tab layout?

I did my stash tab layout on a character which is in standard league because I thought every new character would check for this layout and copy it..

Is there anything to do now besides doing the same for a character in every of the leagues?

Really not looking forward to redoing the whole thing for softcore and hardcore league, if it also differs between SSF and trade league I'd have to redo it four times.

Maybe someone knows a solution for this, tried to look for something in the settings but didn't find anything.
Last bumped on Mar 29, 2024, 4:28:03 PM
I'm afraid there isn't any functionality to copy stash tab layouts between existing leagues. Although during a new league release, the stash tab layout should be the same as the parent league. For instance, your HC stash tab layout should be used for the HC version of any new league at release.
All characters within a league share stash tabs. Everyone in Standard will have the same layout,same tabs, an same content. All characters in Ultimatum will likewise share this.

A the start of a new league the layout is automatically copied from hat you have in Standard.

SC, HC, SSF, HCSSF all have their own unique layouts, and there is no way to copy from one to the other, but they will all inherit the Standard version when a new league starts.
So what I don't understand is, why isn't there an ability to setup presets for the stash tab layout? Not just for in between SSF or trade, but between major updates, i.e. between 3.20 & 3.21, Like the way its set up currently the base setup at the start of 3.21 was the same for me as it always has been, the tabs were set to default color and location based on the order that I purchased them. For me this looks like a few numbered tabs then the dedicated tabs, for currency, and maps, etc, and then back to numbered tabs but a few of them are bigger. Like I would like to have a saved preset to my account on how the stash tabs are set up, obviously i would edit it slightly for every new major update but mostly i wouldn't need to. I know I would pay for this. I'd frankly be willing to buy multiple "preset slots" simply because i might want to set up an ssf preset and a trade league preset.

Sorry for going on a bit, it just seems like this is something GGG would have done already.
I completely agree. It's pretty nuts how this little quality of life hasn't been implemented; like a little save button at the top of the stash ui that locks in your current stash setup. I have set it up in the standard league stash, but every league I change my set up slightly, and 2-3 leagues later I have to go back and redo it all. It's just such a messy/funky way of handling the issue and not very new player friendly. I'm not a programmer, but it seems like such an easy thing to throw in *shrug*
Kane_GGG wrote:
I'm afraid there isn't any functionality to copy stash tab layouts between existing leagues. Although during a new league release, the stash tab layout should be the same as the parent league. For instance, your HC stash tab layout should be used for the HC version of any new league at release.

How hasn't this been made into a thing? I really don't get it. The last thing I want to do is go to standard league, where there's countless "remove-only" tabs that I have to scroll through, to figure out the stash settings. Why isn't there a save button? Why is GGG so keen on giving us QOL features we've asked for, for years, piecemeal over such a long timespan? Is it really so difficult?

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