Endgame PVP

I think we need meaningful, rewarding endgame pvp in this game. Something like a server with open world pvp, where you lose both items and experience to the other player if you die. This would be a great addition to the game and keep people busy on their accounts, and open up entire new aspects for the game. It would give people the opportunity to build characters geared towards pvp and the healthy competition and hardcore rewarding pvp would be something that has been absent in other ARPGs.
I agree, however losing experience is not a good idea.

Gambling items might be cool though.
Standard Forever
Yeah, well at least lose items to the other player on death in PVP.
I like the idea less losing items to other players. Perhaps adding a notoriety system based on kills/deaths that influences item find for that character or giving items based on achievements or something would be cool.

If people could lose their gear to eachother people would just be too afraid to enter imo.
That we really need is more rewards for pvp. There are too few peoples playing 3v3 pvp at high levels because there is no rewards. It would be worth to add prizes and xp for that. The people who lose a match needs to get small amount of xp, but the winners needs more XP and a random magic or rare item :)

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