Headhunter Bug with stolen Flicker Strike

This is the 2nd League I use a Headhunter and never seen the problem before.

I play with Cyclone and yesterday in Atoll(T16/20%delirium) in a Ritual encounter I got "Flicker Strike" which somehow shifted me in the dark area right on the edge.

Which means I had Flicker procs about 5-6 in a second - I assume trying to "hop" into the ritual arena again, but I couldn't.

Luckily enough I was on the edge barely hitting monsters and monsters further away would come to me so I could finish the ritual.

I was almost dying though since I still could receive damage.

I do not have any proof of this, because I chose not to die and lose loot while starting my OBS for recording or /bug ingame
Last bumped on May 14, 2021, 11:27:47 AM
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This isn't a bug,. This is intentional ,. Shroud walker is a buff that you pick up with Head hunter that teleports you at random towards packs of monsters,...
TiLung wrote:
This isn't a bug,. This is intentional ,. Shroud walker is a buff that you pick up with Head hunter that teleports you at random towards packs of monsters,...

I doubt it's intentional that you get hard stuck in Rituals OUTSIDE of the circle in the black area because you get teleported out in the first place.... A bit deeper in the black area and I couldn't have done anything at all probably

I am not complaining here that I get teleported

E: quote
Last edited by Baumkuchen047 on May 14, 2021, 11:30:25 AM

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