Challenge Focused Guild - Recruitement

Welcome Everyone!

After being a member of multiple guilds, I have decided to start one on my own to find players who share similar goals in playing Path of Exile.

1. Fields of Interest
  • Pursuing Challenges - at least 36 every league (or 38 in the recent ones)
  • Making strong/interesting builds
  • Exploring new strategies
  • Crafting - be it crafting an item together or sharing ideas

You don't have to fullfill all of the things listed above, these are only guidelines to have a feeling about the community we'd like to build.
And obviouly a decent level of English is expected since this is an English speaking guild.

2. What do we offer you

The community helps you with
  • Challenges (share completitions and carries)
  • Build ideas
  • Crafting advice
  • Discord Server

Plus you can flex with your items or luck in the guild chat ;)
Obviously we expect you to give not only take the things listed above. Also some of us play Standard as well when done with the league challenges, so feel free to apply even if Standard is your thing.

3. What kind of players do we expect?

  • Somewhat motivated and experienced players, meaning we don't play PoE all day every day but still pull off a decent number of hours most days, especially at league start
  • You should care about the league challenges since we share some and help each other getting theirs done, challenges are our main priority in the league
  • You need to have decent game knowledge, you should have at least one character above 95
  • You need to have a public profile with your characters tab visible (at least during the application)
  • This guild is NOT for you if your main interest is making currency for the sole purpose of having currency without the intention of spending it

4. My PoE Background

I've started playing the game back in the 3.5 Betrayal league. Despite that being my first league I felt great satisfaction when completing challenges and unlocking the exclusive MTXs so I didn't stop until I got them all (37/40). Ever since I always pursue the challenges, having completed 36+ in every league after my first.
My other priority is making strong or interesting builds (that doesn't mean unique ones, but I usually shape the builds to my liking) and for that goal I make currency I need to make them happen. But after I'm satisfied with the state of the build I'm playing I usually lose interest in making currency; piling mirrors in my stash is no prime concern of mine.
Nevertheless challenges and builds aren't the only projects I've undertaken. There are other challenge-like goals in this game, the ones coming to my mind are collecting all the rare hideouts, unlocking all achievements or leveling up every class to level 100.

5. How to apply?

PM me on Discord (anathiel_) or message me ingame (ign: Anathiel) or post a reply here

The name of the guild is obviously a meme with a slight hint on the Witcher and presenting a counterpoint to most PoE communities obsessed with making currency on the sole purpose of having it. But as the flavour text of Sadima's Touch says:
Wealth unspent is wealth wasted

This doesn't mean we make cheap builds (just check my profile ^^) but after all the challenge rewards are what remain when the league ends (especially if you don't plan to play in Standard).
Last edited by AnathielVanRycanter on Aug 7, 2023, 2:06:28 PM
Last bumped on Aug 7, 2023, 2:01:27 PM
The guild recruitement is open again! Looking for people interested to get those challenges in 3.20 ;-)
Last edited by AnathielVanRycanter on Nov 30, 2022, 4:52:20 AM
Application open for the next 3.22 league!

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