Can't exit Alva Temple when playing in a party

I'm often playing in a party of 2 and everytime when my partner opens a map with Alva and we enter the temple, I'm stuck in the temple until the timer runs out. My Partner can leave at any time, while it doesn't react when I click the exit. This already was an issue in the last league and it still is and it's horribly annoying.
Last edited by Maregrim on Apr 22, 2021, 1:47:15 PM
Last bumped on May 11, 2021, 12:35:01 PM
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this is still an issue... smh
Oh, so we are not the only ones.
It doesn't seem to happen all the time though, last sessions it worked normally. But I have no idea what causes the issue.
Get a bug report number next time. Read the stickies so you know what/how to post.
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