Bug in the map "Beacon" so that the canisters get stuck and a glitched game

On the map "Beacon" I encountered a bug in which the canister you have to move to the beacon gets stuck which resulted in mobs glitching out(becoming untargetable and not moving) as well as the player where I teleported sometimes and glitched around/ collided weirdly with mobs.
Relogging helped.
More is in the video:

I don't know if the bug was caused by Einar or me throwing traps.
Last bumped on Apr 20, 2021, 12:16:08 AM
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Same happening to me, tried loading a new instance and it happened again. No einhar, nor traps or mines for me.

Edit: When I TP'd out and went back, the canister moved back to starting point, and i was able to take it all the way to the beacon
Last edited by agm_ultimatex on Apr 17, 2021, 2:34:53 PM
Seeing the same thing, 2nd beacon gets stuck in the same spot shown in the video. Movement and enemy targeting break down around the stuck beacon. Cannot progress through Act 6.

Ran PackCheck and tried again, still seeing the same issue.

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