[3.14] Low Life Fire Conversion Reap Chieftain

In the Ultimatum Content Reveal video, the reap clips look very attractive. I believe the easiest way to scale Reap's hit damage is using elemental conversion and then scaling elemental damage. So here is my preliminary idea:

Uniques: Disintegrator, Kaom's Heart, Circle of Anguish/Guilt

Reap setup: Reap--Lifetap--Controlled Destruction--Combustion--Spell Cascade/Concentrated effect--Divergent Added Fire Damage (for conversion purpose)

Buffs: Petrified Blood, Herald of Purity, Herald of Fire, Vitality(with life)

Keystones: Pain Attenument, Elemental Overlord, Call to Arms

Skill tree: Should be similar to BV Chieftain.

Edit: I am just dumb to think "Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect" means modifiers ONLY apply to DOT effect. Changes have been made to cover my stupidity.
Last edited by Aniki_Leads_people on Apr 13, 2021, 4:19:15 AM
Last bumped on Apr 16, 2021, 4:03:42 AM
I'm planning on doing something a bit similar using chieftan and converting the physical damage of reap to fire, but I want to test CWDT with CWC to try and overlap a bunch of reaps to get the stacking damage bonus (if it works with triggers).

Build will be similar to old auto blade blasters using self damage to trigger CWDT with scolds bridle and void bringer to make cyclone hurt me enough to trigger the weak level 1 CWDT reaps buff the damage of the maxed CWC cyclone reap.

No idea if this will actually work, but if not should be easy to transist into a build similar to yours
In the Ultimatum Content Reveal video, the reap clips look very attractive. However, spell damage modifiers can only apply to Reap's DOT effect.

I don't think that's true. Essence Drain has a similar modifier "Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect" and spell damage DOES in fact increase the initial hit damage.
Banga65 wrote:

I don't think that's true. Essence Drain has a similar modifier "Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect" and spell damage DOES in fact increase the initial hit damage.

Thanks for pointing that out! New knowledge acquired!
Last edited by akarev0 on Apr 16, 2021, 4:03:56 AM

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