Defensive Layer attempt lf dmg skill/dmg buff

Greetings fellow exiles!

Not too long ago i stumbled upon this video on youtube:

As most builds i did up to this point were not very defensive related i somehow admired the capability of tanking shapers Slams, Maven Memory game and so on.

So this looked pretty interessting to me and the gear used looked not very expensive.
As an end league project with around 150ex sitting in the stash i thought i might try sth similar.

I was planing on using double strike so far, no need for a mapping skill as this is to be considered a boss only char.

I was wondering if Generals Cry would maybe work as i heard its a little op. Though i have no experience with this skill after all.

So maybe some1 is interested in giving some Feedback or might have a good suggestion on how to build this the best.

Just tried Shaper yesterday and it was somehow impossible. Tanking slams and balls is doable but just no dmg at all.....


Last edited by Tollkirsch on Mar 29, 2021, 4:05:48 AM
Last bumped on Mar 27, 2021, 12:34:31 PM

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