Standard guild for standard ONLY players, you can join
by just contacting me ingame, PM me on the forums or reply to this post and I will add you :).

My IGN: @SBurmasS___

Guild Link: https://www.pathofexile.com/guild/profile/913516
Discord: could make one soon if the guild grows enough.

Copy and paste this in your chatbox when you're ready to ascend
@SBurmasS___ I'm ready to ascend!

If I'm offline then go ahead and private message me on forums with your IGN
Last edited by SBurmasS on Jan 28, 2023, 12:11:41 PM
Last bumped on Mar 31, 2023, 7:15:58 PM
-Fixed the information
hello! please invite me, i am a lev 100 chieftain, - "CJGblaze", in game name. thanks!

i'm standard only

BluntHonesty at your Service.
Back to playing POE and accepting members
Still looking for people? I play only standard softcore, I am not a newby to the game but haven't played in 2 years.
still looking for members, contact me in game or pm in forums if offline !!!
I am interested in joining, I've been playing casually for 5 years, but never made it quite far :D
IGN: Incendiari
hello id like to join the guild my ingame name is bobplezboos (im new to the game so be rdy it might come some stupid questions)ty glhf

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