State of the PVP

can someone please explain a few things to me regarding the current state of the PVP...

Is there a permanent cut throat league? or anything similar with perma death in PVP?
how is PVP conducted? duel botton or areas??
Is death permanent n hardcore?

there is no cutthroat yet
no cut throat yet?
but is one comming? the permanent one I mean???
York wrote:
no cut throat yet?
but is one comming? the permanent one I mean???

Yes we would love some info on this. Its been quite some time since:

All this was written by tpapp:

The issue with cutthroat is GGG finding the time to sit down and figure out the mechanics and restrictions necessary to keep the permanent league fun and then code it all up and implement it. The past few months GGG has been spending all of their time implementing necessary content for Act 3 and Open Beta. Hopefully once Open Beta is past and all the launch issues are taken care of we'll here more about it. As I said, a permanent cutthroat league is definitely something that GGG wants to do. It's just a question of content priorities and when they'll find the time to do it.

Just for reference here are some of GGG's immediate priorities:
Resolving any balance/stability issues that come up with Open Beta
Adding more skills
Adding more microtransactions
Finishing the Act 3 areas and quests that won't be done in time for Open Beta
Updating and adding more PvP options
Incrementally improving Acts 1 and 2 (to match Act 3's level of quality)
Upgrading the trading system (including trading through the forums)

I (and GGG) don't know yet where or if implementing a permanent cutthroat league is going to fit into that feature schedule.

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