Plz price check my staff (if have no clue what its worth)

Today i finally crafted my staff, i found in heist, and now its finished and ready to sell.
The problem is that i dont have any clue what its worth. First i thought it could be a mirror, but the spell damage is only a T4 roll. And a mirror is actually 290!? ex worth. Maybe a mirror is way to much for it. I play in Softcore.

Last bumped on Feb 16, 2021, 6:32:08 AM
1) there's a better base called Battery Staff (160 flat ES)
2) you want Aspect of the Cat usually on elder boots with Less Duration, it is a waste of an affix on an item that could roll other, better modifiers in that place
3) as far as I can tell it doesn't even have influence.

It's far, far away from being BiS for any build and will never be worth a mirror. This might be worth like 10ex, but probably less
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Thx, maybe i was a bit dreaming with that staff.

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