Crafted maybe relative good Bow, Need help for last modifier

so thats the bow. Setup is elehit + ele dmg + fire pen + gmps + pierce, cast on crit will be triggering either fireball, rolling magma or blazing salvo, not sure yet.

Questions I have:
Will Harvest Enchant that gives increased ele dmg only be local or will it work with all used skills + spells? But enchant will be attack speed per quality i think

Next question would be:
the last modifier added trough crafting bench.

Options I Have:
-inc. ele dmg with attack skills
-adds fire damage
-attacks penetrate elemental resistance
Last edited by shroomed2013 on Feb 11, 2021, 9:45:08 AM
Last bumped on Feb 11, 2021, 6:53:33 AM

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