Stuck in Heist Demolition Last Door

So I got stuck doing a demolition heist. Stood basically on top of the place where the door would open on to, and got stuck inside the door. Can not move, cast any spells or use whirling blades. I was probably Elusive during the door opening, but did not use any other skills when I encountered the bug.
I was able to exit to character screen and re-enter to finish the Heist, although all items I had picked up in the Heist pre-log-out disappeared. They did not re-appear in inventory or drop to the ground anywhere in the Heist.
Last bumped on May 14, 2021, 5:39:25 AM
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Same thing.
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat.
Just happened to me as well; I could use ice crash at my feet but could not dash away. Also lost all the items that were in my inventory when i logged out; they did not drop.

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