Thick Trees shadow is way too light

This scene used to have vibrant fire lights, and great contrast of light and shadow, that bottom right corner was intentionally made dark so the map portals lighting would produce enough portal-specific ambient.

But now (as you can obviously see from the screenshot) the whole thing appears like if I have shadows "disabled", it's completely washed out, the shadows from Thick Trees are transparent.

Thank you for ruining yet another thing I liked.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last bumped on Mar 15, 2021, 9:14:24 PM
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a_z0_9 wrote:

This scene used to have vibrant fire lights, and great contrast of light and shadow, that bottom right corner was intentionally made dark so the map portals lighting would produce enough portal-specific ambient.

But now (as you can obviously see from the screenshot) the whole thing appears like if I have shadows "disabled", it's completely washed out, the shadows from Thick Trees are transparent.

Thank you for ruining yet another thing I liked.

Hey there,

Can you please PM me your hideout template, so that I can look into this for you? Cheers.

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