THE BOOGIE KNIGHTS [-=NA=-] - Where All Your Wildest Fantasies Won't Come True

Good day Ladies and Gents,

Introducing the Boogie Knights. Don't think for a second that you're missing out because you're probably not! Join us, you'll definitely regret it!

Boogie Knight Creed:
There is no emotion; there is commotion.
There is no ignorance; there is belligerence.
There is no passion; there is only thrashin’.
There is no death; there is only shortness of breath.

A Boogie Knight does not act for personal power and wealth, but seeks a good time and a cold brewski to bump up their health.
A Boogie Knight does not act from a place of common sense, but instead acts with the force of a thousand key strokes when things get tense.
Boogie Knights are the sole proprietors of comedic relief, but can’t hold a candle to a 10 year old thief.
Boogie Knights use the powers of the Cobra and the Kai, but would rather sit in a rocking chair eating leftover stir-fry.
Boogie Knights aren’t born with bravery in their hearts, yet they’re good at eating cheese-puffs and ripping large farts.
Boogie Knights serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the country, but not always on a whim.
Boogies Knights in the end, try to improve themselves through knowledge and training, but run like little girls when it won’t stop raining.

We're new to PoE (Most of us), but we're simply looking to have a good time. We aren't hardcore, we aren't casual, we just exist. We only ask for things to be PG-13 as some of us have kids that play too! We don't tolerate drama, political talk, religious talk, the putting down of others, and intolerance. We all want to learn, play, and have fun. There's no activity requirement. Just let us know if you're going to be gone a long while. We use discord to chat and are looking forward to what doesn't await us in the future!! Come one or come none! It wasn't nice meeting you.

Contact me via PM here, discord (FyreHawk87#2961 ), or replying below.

Last bumped on Apr 21, 2021, 8:12:48 AM
Effortless Bump!
Hype Bump!
Boogie Bump!
Posthumous Bump!
All encompassing bump!
Sacred bump!

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