NA GUILD (USA - EASTERN // PC) : Sanctum Crusaders - Adult Semi-casual // Social

Hey Everybody,

-Discord (Required, Mic (Not required))
-Semi Casual (Not hardcore)
-20yrs and older please.
-No drama, just fun goofing off and jokes.

My name is FyreHawk87 and I've been gaming for nearly 20+ years. I've been playing PoE for a few years now and enjoy it thoroughly. A few friends of mine and myself created this guild during the HEIST LEAGUE with the intention of creating a semi-casual, adult, sociable, and friendly environment. Unfortunately due to COVID and job loss we had to go on hiatus. However, we are back and in full force looking to fill our ranks.

If you are over the age of 20 and are semi-casual then we would like for you to join us. We aren't hardcore, but we know the basics. We're here to have fun first! Remember that. If it becomes anything more than fun then we're doing something wrong. We offer discord and possible private clan leagues (Depending on demand).

If you're interested in joining us; either reply to this thread, private message me here, or private message me on discord @ FyreHawk87#2961 . I check back once every hour.

Last edited by FyreHawk87 on Jan 10, 2021, 11:50:19 PM
Last bumped on Jan 11, 2023, 7:15:47 AM
Raising for awarness
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Sunday night bump
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Weekday bump
I attempted to add you in Discord but was unable. My Discord is: Fal EnStar#6990
if you could give me a add that would be great. New to the game, old Diablo player from back in the day.

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