Cyclone FIRE BV Berserker: 10m+ DPS, MASSIVE Clear Speed, Melt bosses in seconds!

The pastebin of the character:

It is heavily inspired by the fire blade vortex assassin and uses a VERY specific set of items. It abuses explody chest and herald of ash.

But honestly, Cyclone has never had faster clear speed before. Entire screens explode instantly, single target dps is fantastic and there is room to improve from here further!

The basics of the build center around some cluster jewels.

Large Cluster jewels with physical modifiers
1. Force Multiplier
2. Iron Breaker
3. Battle-Hardened

Medium Cluster jewels with area modifiers:
1. Towering Threat
2. Titanic Swings

Sample Gear:

Xophs is great due to conversion and covering enemies in ash is a big big damage multiplier.

The banishing blade is strongly recommended, but any high pdps 2 handed weapon should work!

The rings are crafted using essences of hysteria. (The base fyi is super cheap, no one wants them for some reason) If you can hit a high WED roll it will rival a herald of ash buff/fire damage ring plus you can get resists and reduction of channeling skills, which is a great QOL. Otherwise just use the herald of ash rings, they provide amazing damage.

Its still a WIP but so far Ive hit 12-13 million dps with cyclone WITHOUT bottled faith, or tailwind.

Last bumped on Nov 26, 2020, 1:29:58 AM
any gameplay video?
and i see no any bv linked in...

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