[PS4] Minimap keeps getting reset

Most often than not minimap is reset after I leave and re-enter the map. It happens after death, getting a portal to hideout, Zana mission or Vaal side area. The instance is NOT reset, as I can see dead monsters, loot, etc.

I think the whole issue started after some patch in the current league. It's really frustrating having to rediscover maps. Does anyone have the same issue?
Last bumped on Oct 10, 2023, 5:55:46 PM
I had that issue a while ago, possibly even during Harvest. First whole maps were revealed (like Heist) then it changed to how yours is now. I would avoid all content that would make me leave the zone until it was the last thing I could do. Because as you said, discovering it all again is really frustrating.

Not sure if you use a custom filter, but while I was experiencing this issue my custom filter could not be loaded. As soon as the issue with the map went away my filter was again able to be loaded.

The only thing that changed for me was 2 weeks a few more challenges I'd completed, I didn't do anything else and it miraculously resolved itself.

Found the original thread about the issue, dated Jul 25, 2020.
Yeah, the same issues as stated in the original thread - now I remember I also had fully visible minimaps at the start of the zone for a while. And indeed, now I cannot load custom filters. Although I think the filter problem appeared some time after the minimap issue. Anyway both problems are very frustrating, as well as having to scroll all the way down in options to change a filter.
Both problems (minimap and filters) disappeared after reinstalling the game.
I started having the issue a bit after regularly clearing map cache, as i have my documents folder (and AppData but thats another story of my little tinkerings) in the HDD.
It all got fixed when i gave more perminssions to all users (i just gave full control since theres no one else using this pc).
For anyone who experiences this issue:

Close PoE
Go to your Documents\My Games\Path of Exile folder
Rename production_Config.ini to production_Config.ini_BACKUP
Open PoE (all of your options/settings will be reset, e.g. sound, graphics, keybinds)

The issue should be fixed. To get your old settings back, you can open your BACKUP config file and copy/paste some of the settings into your new config.ini file. I personally only did this with Sound and Keybinds because I am not sure which setting was messing up the instance/minimap stuff and didn't want to transfer over the line(s) that were causing issues.

Another option is to just take a quick video/screen recording of your old settings so that you can easily remake them.

Xsia_ wrote:
For anyone who experiences this issue:

Close PoE
Go to your Documents\My Games\Path of Exile folder
Rename production_Config.ini to production_Config.ini_BACKUP
Open PoE (all of your options/settings will be reset, e.g. sound, graphics, keybinds)

The issue should be fixed. To get your old settings back, you can open your BACKUP config file and copy/paste some of the settings into your new config.ini file. I personally only did this with Sound and Keybinds because I am not sure which setting was messing up the instance/minimap stuff and didn't want to transfer over the line(s) that were causing issues.

Another option is to just take a quick video/screen recording of your old settings so that you can easily remake them.

This is the console sub-forum. We don't have access to any files, so none of that will work.

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