3..2..1..Ignition Chieftain Hexblast Ignite

Hey all,

I'm not really making a guide for this, but wanted to share my build. Per the title it's a Chieftain Hexblast Ignite build and you can look at the PoB to see the tree and skills:

It's still a work in progress, so the gear is still crap; Cloak of flame is underrated for Chieftain using Tasalio though. I will upgrade to a Warlord influenced Saintly Chainmail with Hits taken as Fire Damage.

That said, even as is, the built is VERY tanky, it deletes screens and melts bosses: the Scorching Ray Totems and Flame Wall are for bosses.

I started out as a Trickster following a Hexblast Ignite build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2936318 but really wanted to do a Chieftain build.

The build is dirt cheap to get started can do everything with 4l's. Later on the the only expensive things are the medium cluster jewels (1-1.5Ex each) and the lvl 4 enhance (1.25ex).
Please note the enhance gem HAS to be lvl 4 along with having a 20 quality Anomalous Flammability Gem; this will give you +11 max doom. Anything else will will result in <10 and since doom bonuses are divided by 5 it becomes a waste.
You can also try rolling you own medium cluster jewels Ilvl 50-67 shouldn't be too hard, but it is a gamble. There are many other good nodes you can roll as well.
Last bumped on Sep 26, 2020, 2:30:34 PM
I don't see a warcry in PoB, how do you generate endurance charges?

Your life is also terrible, 4.3k?
Last edited by DixuMixu on Sep 26, 2020, 2:22:07 PM
DixuMixu wrote:
I don't see a warcry in PoB, how do you generate endurance charges?

Your life is also terrible, 4.3k?

As I noted the gear is crap, but there's so much DR the life is not an issue.
Take a look ate the small cluster jewels for the charges.

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