Discharge Chieftain

Someone with more time and understanding of the game make this build and post it, pls.
Last bumped on Sep 17, 2020, 5:31:12 PM
We have already developed a DISCHARGE CHIEFTAIN BUILD BUDGET SSFHC VIABLE FAST CLEAR SPEED (All Content) and have decided not to publish the build to the general public because it is simply too strong and gamebreaking, it would ruin the experience for any player following it because of how easy the game would become by 1 shoting bosses, getting 50 exalts/hr in currency, and being able to touch women irl.
Wouldn't this be better as jugg due to more endurance charges and better generation? I am thinking jugg, stack endurance charges and flat damage everywhere for scaling. plus EE of course
prodiG1337 wrote:

Now I understand the game is complicated and it's sometimes hard to assess, so who knows I could be wrong.

But that.. doesn't look very realistic for the average player. The items look extremely over tuned for a decent representation and I wouldn't be surprised if the average player would only reach ~20% of the potential that is being displayed in that PoB. And for those that go "oh my god 30 million?!". That's *not* the DPS, that's the total damage of the ignite over it's entire multi-second duration.

Still, a very cool concept! It looks hella fun and makes me want to try it.
How do you even get focus with that build?
i was thinking going
fireball igntie for clear
and discharge at boss with fire wall thing
need expert help

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