Enjoyed Harvest SSF! ED + VD Chars.

When I first saw the Harvest league, I knew, it was time to go SSF again after a few years of regular trade league.

And, let me make it clear, I heavily enjoyed it!

Played 2 chars, both made it to the high 90s :)

No1: LL ED/Contagion (lvl 97)

Playing with 5 Auras + 1 Spellslinger total.

9.800 ES.

(I'm somewhat proud of the Watchers Eye^^)

For mapping I take off Zealotry, switch lvl4 Empower on ED for another Spellslinger. That way it is alot more Fun. Plus, you dont need the extra Dmg from the Empower^^
But for Endgame bosses... Well, it is needed, even though my Gear is fairly solid, I still feel ED Dmg is somewhat lackluster.

No2: VD/DD Spellslinger

For some more speed and easy mappin, I use:

Sadly I did not find another Awakener Orb to get my Hands on some heavy Elusive/Tailwind boots...

6.928 Life
Solid defenses.

Bossing is almost too easy^^

36/40 Challenges SSF btw :)

Few solid End-League-Crafts:

lol, now that is a fitting Name on the Item, I'd say^^

Some nice Finds:
Last edited by HairyBotter on Sep 14, 2020, 5:35:01 PM
Last bumped on Sep 7, 2020, 9:12:18 AM

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