Looking for a guild for group play. 2 lvl 100’s this league

Looking for group play for next league. This league is the first time I attempted group play and it’s pretty awesome. I have been playing a HH Self-Curse occultist for 5-way rotations and it’s nice running with the same group of people. If anyone wants someone who is active and wants to push harder content hit me up. I’m just starting 100% delirious maps today.

Delirium league
Lvl 99 Gaurdian- Immortal man build. Arc/Herald stack/Aura stack

Harvest League
Lvl 100 Trickster- ED Contagion build. Used for pretty much anything. Bosses are a little slow but 11.3k Es.. can’t die. First level 100 😃
Lvl 100 Occultist- HH EK Self-Curse build. Used for 5-way legion rotas.

Next league if I find a good guild I’d like to make a curse or aura bot for group play!

P.S. I’m pretty shit at pricing items so if there’s a guild with a trader that would be a plus.
Last bumped on Aug 27, 2020, 12:03:53 PM

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