Looking for a league that just started or is starting soon

Heyo, SCSSF player looking for a private league that either just started or is starting soon. Would prefer something not with crazy mods but with a smaller economy and playerbase without bots thats relatively fresh. If you know of any please hit me up!
Last bumped on Aug 31, 2020, 10:50:04 AM
same here
Invite me
Also looking :)
I have one with 8 open spots

Harvest Softcore, but if u dont trade its ssf :D

Monster deal 20% increased damage
Monster have 40% more life
Monster have 20% increased atk/cast/movement speed
Monster have 30% dmg as Extra fire/cold/lightning
Items of magic/rare rarity will not drop, they can be crafted

9days 8h left i started it yesterday


edit : sry i misread, u didnt want dmg mods
Last edited by OzymmSS on Aug 31, 2020, 10:54:35 AM

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