Pet models 2.0: different animations for different character movement speeds

As pets are purely a cosmetic feature, I think a good selling point for them would be to have a variety of animations based on character's movement speed.

For example:
The recently added Pegasus pet (mystery box) has a walking animation that looks very odd with characters that have decent movement speeds (100%+). It looks like it's tippy-toeing with a rather stiff, velocity-locked animation.


Add different animations and transitions between various movement speeds for pets. To continue with the Pegasus example:
1. Low movement speed: current walk animation
1,5. transition between walk and gallop animation e.g. when a quicksilver flask is used and the movement speed threshold is reached
2. Medium movement speed: gallop animation
2,5. transition between gallop and flight animation; the pet takes off
3. High movement speed: proper flight animation; it's a Pegasus after all

The same changes could be applicable for almost every land legged pet; Black Cat, Panther, Tiger... you name it.
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.
Last edited by Ydoum on Jul 24, 2020, 10:31:51 PM
Last bumped on Nov 30, 2020, 11:45:15 AM
I see my advice was taken when designing the stygian steed (has a different animation after the character starts running faster with a potion up).

Can we please get an update to the other pets as well?
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.
As I have recently purchased the Pegasus pet (discount made me trigger happy on my CC):

PSA: Angels and Demons equines still have the same, locked movement animations. I have contacted support requesting an update on this matter, but have yet to receive a definite response (whether they will get their animations update like the stygian steed did, that is).

Updated (30.11.2020): GGG did not want to provide any answers regarding updating the previous horse-based pets. This makes me believe that they won't.
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.
Last edited by Ydoum on Nov 30, 2020, 4:10:53 PM
Yeah, Pet Behavior is really bad. I never notice this with small pets since you kind of loose focos of them.

But with bigger pets it gets very noticeble. IMO Poe pets need a behavior overhaul, right now they are kind of attached to the PC movement. This way it feels more like they are not "live" but more like a robot, or a toy.

Jus got the Cat from challenge in Heist and wow, really underwelming. Its movement and animations are so bad.

Pets need to be following the PC but they need a separeted behavior, like they can wander around, maybe get far and them start to closed by.

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