Mirror worthy?

Been using my self crafted chest for a month or so and just showed it to my buddy today. He said it is mirror worthy, but I am not so sure. This is only my second full league so I am still quite clueless about what's mirror tier and what's not.

Let me know what ya'll think~

Last bumped on Jun 10, 2020, 8:22:09 PM
tier 2 % life, life regen suffix, crafted suffix.

not mirror.
Yah I figured those 2 were probably the main flaws. I didn't want to mess with annulling the life regen since I have absolutely the worst luck with annuls this league. Maybe I haven't search too hard in the trade forum, but the threads with people offering mirror service for chest all have open slot for crafting. So are those not considered mirror tier?

Unfortunately no.

Mirror chests in general need a combination of the following mods with at least 4 Tier 1 affixes and no affixes below 2. My opinion

Prefix (In order of desirability)
Maximum Life
Explode Mod
Additional Curse
Maximum Life %

Suffix (In order of desirability)
Attack Crit
Aura Effect
Chance to gain frenzy / power charge

Open prefix and/or suffix for crafting. Preferred crafts are %Life/Mana (Prefix) or Attributes% (Suffix).

Also as we are near the end of the league - this would need to compete against standard mirror crafts. It is impossible for any craft in league to match standard due to legacy affixes and Golden Mantle bases.
Last edited by DAKKONx on Jun 9, 2020, 1:16:07 AM
Good chest but not mirror worthy by a great margin.

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